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Introducing Stori Coffee’s First Decaf Coffee

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Introducing Stori Coffee’s First Decaf Coffee

We’re so excited for you to try our Mountain Water Process (MWP) Decaf. This new way of processing decaf is chemical free, unlike many other methods used to make decaf. We think you’ll enjoy the story of this coffee and how it reached your cup.

Who grew this coffee?

Our San Cristóbal de las Casas & Yajalón Single Origin Decaf comes from smallholder producers who deliver to the San Cristobal de las Casas and Yajalón in Northern Chiapas. For decades, this region has been at the epicenter of political an ethnic conflicts. The Zapatista movement prevented any large coffee farms from coming into existence due to their demands for indigeonnous rights and land access. Consequently, coffee has been cultivated mainly by small to micro - holders, often descendents of indigenous tribes. They generally produce micro lots between 10-15 bags. To help ensure economic transparency in such small yet complex supply chains, InterAmerican works closely with local communities to bridge any gaps that tear at the seams of traceability required lineage.

Mexico Decaf

About this coffee

Our Mexico San Cristóbal de las Casas & Yajalón Single Origin Decaf is an exceptional fully washed coffee. This region is known for producing large beans that create a balanced cup with a smooth body and ideal medium sweet acidity. We roasted it as a Medium Roast to express its unique flavors of lavender, waffle cone, and creamy pecans. This coffee comes from the Chiapas region of Mexico, N16 degrees, 30’ 0’W92 degrees, 30’ 0’ between 900-100m elevation. These Bourbon, Caturra, Typica, and Catuai varietals grow in a volcanic, loamy soil. You can verify this coffee here. 

What is the Mountain Water Decaf process?

This coffee is decaffeinated in Mexico using a unique method called Mountain Water Process (MWP). MWP is a method of indirect decaffeination. In this process, pure water from Pico de Orizaba - the highest mountain in Mexico, undergoes a chemical analysis to determine optimal conditions. The purest water is then used to steam the beans to prepare them for extraction. The extraction process uses a water based saturated solution that removes the caffeine while keeping the coffee’s flavor compounds in place.

Fun Fact: Roasters don’t hear the “crack” when roasting decaf because the crack represents moisture reaching a boiling point inside the bean and pushing through; with decaf, this isn’t the case, because the cellular structure of the bean has been changed.

How should I brew this coffee?

When it comes to brewing your coffee at home, there are a number of ways you may choose to brew your coffee. These are often dependent on the tools available to you, and your personal preference.

Regardless of the choice of brewing equipment you may have, there are four key fundamental elements that ultimately impact flavor. These four elements are freshness, grind, proportions, and water. Adjusting each of these can assist in extracting your optimum flavor, time and time again. 

Chocolate Mousse

How to pair this coffee

If you’ve never paired your coffee before, you’re missing out on a treat! Being intentional about the food you eat with your coffee can open up a whole new world of flavors. You can learn more about why pairing is important here [link]. We’d suggest pairing our Mexico San Cristóbal de las Casas & Yajalón Single Origin Decaf with:

  • Chocolate mousse
  • Lemon tart
  • Radish topped avocado toast

At Stori Coffee, we are excited about these new innovative ways of delivering delicious coffee without compromise to flavor. Unlike other decaf processes which use chemicals, MWP (Mountain Water Process) is a fully natural process that extracts the compound responsible for caffeine alone, while preserving the multitude of other compounds responsible for flavor. We hope you enjoy it too!

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